Browse_Graphic_File_Description: Screen grab view of locations with coastline for reference
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: jpg
Data_Set_Credit: For inclusion into usSEABED: Digitization, formatting, and corrections: Jane Reid (USGS) and Chris Jenkins (University of Colorado)
Attribute_Accuracy_Report: For usSEABED, the digital data and scanned report were downloaded via the web, visually compared to source and corrected. Where appropriate, data were tested for completeness using MS Excel.
Logical_Consistency_Report: Data fall within normal ranges for the given parameters.
Completeness_Report: All available textural and statistical data are included in usSEABED. Additional compositional information and geophysical data were not digitized and are not included in usSEABED.
Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Navigational techniques not known.
Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Water depth determination technique not noted in report.
Process_Description: No process information given in report.
Metadata_Use_Constraints: Metadata was written by a user of the data. Any information contained in the physical report or online at NGDC is authoritative and supercedes any information given here.